A short summery of the CAPTCHA Close-Up Conference
The CAPTCHA close-up conference took place in the framework of the European collaborative project CAPTCHA Creative Approaches to Living Cultural Archives on 5-6 June 2015 in Halle, Germany with over 50 participants.

How will we remember the history and the sound of today’s community radios in the future, and what in particular will we remember about them? How are free radio stations recording and documenting their programmes?
The content being created by free radio stations across Europe is often only partially or intermittently documented and archived, and only a small percentage of these broadcasts is available online as podcast.
We collected best practices of archiving methods, asked radio activists to present their online tools or other software systems which has been developed to save audio content.
Please feel free to listen and spread the audio recordings of the presentations:
Radio Archiving Practice. Remediating Sonic Memories by Dagmar Brunow, Universität Växjö, Sweden
LARM Audio Research Archive – Opening radio heritage for research use by Jacob Kreutzfeldt, University of Copenhagen
Re-sounding feminist radio: using radio archives as transnational connectors by Caroline Mitchell, University of Sunderland, UK
Bold strides or tentative steps? How community media share and archive content online by Joost van Beek & Kate Coyer, Central European University Budapest, Hungary
Radio Urban FM, Prishtina, Kosovo by Berat Gashi, Radio Urban FM, Prishtina, Kosovo
30 years rolled by: Archiving physical archives of oldest European non-commercial student radio station Radio Študent Ljubljana by Marko Doles & Andraž Magajna, MTLRŠ, Ljubljana, Slovenia
From manual analogical recording to Radioco, our Free Software automatic digital archiving of live broadcasting system at CUAC FM by Jose Maria Casanova, Fernando Souto & Isabel Lema Blanco, CUAC FM, A Coruña, Spain
Our current archiving method by Daniele Fisichella & Amy Nomvula Smith, Future Radio, Norwich, UK
Programme calendar as archive: calcms by Milan Chrobok, Pi Radio, Berlin, Germany
UVisualize! – Visualisation tool for open archives by Ingo Leindecker, Radio FRO, Linz, Austria
Archiving at Frequence Sille since 2003 by Frank Pohu and Fréquence Sillé, Sillé le Guillaume, France
Taxonomie der sonoren Ordnung an artistic performance by Lale Rodgarkia-Dara & Karl Schönswetter, Vienna, Austria
Preserving audio memories – A discussion about the prospects and demands of free radio archives a round table discussion with Ingo Leindecker from the Cultural Broadcasting Archive (Austria), Ralf Wendt from Radio CORAX (Germany), Dagmar Brunow from the Universität Växjö (Sweden), and Joost van Beek from Central European University (Hungary)
Please find some visual impressions and detailed informations on the conference on our conference website.