5-6 June 2015, Radio CORAX, Halle/Saale (Germany)
On th 5th and th 6th of June 2015 we´ll hold the close-up conference „Radio Archives in European Community Media“ at Radio CORAX in Halle/Saale, Germany. A detailed program will be published in the beginning of May. Here you find a first overview of the speakers and their topics.

The conference is free of charge. There will be German and English translation. We ask for registration till end of May. If you are interested to join the conference and need further information, please don´t hesitate to contact us: info@livingarchives.eu
Dagmar Brunow, Universität Växjö, Schweden:
“Radio Archiving Practice. Remediating Sonic Memories”
Jacob Kreutzfeldt, University of Copenhagen, Denmark:
“LARM Audio Research Archive – Opening radio heritage for research use”
Caroline Mitchell, University of Sunderland, UK:
“Re-sounding feminist radio: using radio archives as transnational connectors”
Kate Coyer and Joost van Beek, Central European University Budapest, Hungary:
“Study on Archiving in European Community Media”
Ingo Leindecker, cba.fro.at and Radio FRO, Austria: “UVisualize! – Visualisation tool for open archives”
Best Practice Presentations
1) Berat Gashi: Radio Urban FM, Prishtina, Kosovo
2) Marko Doles and Andraž Magajna: “30 years rolled by: Archiving physical archives of oldest European non-commercial student radio station Radio Študent Ljubljana”
3) Jose Maria Casanova and Fernando Souto, Community Radio of A Coruña: “From manual analogical recording to Radioco, our Free Software automatic digital archiving of live broadcasting system at CUAC FM”
4) Daniele Fisichella: Future Radio (Norwich, UK): “Current archiving methods at Future Radio”
5) Franck Pohu (Sillé le Guillaume), France: “Archiving at Frequence Sille since 2003″
6) Albert Noguer & Jean-Paul Gambier, Federación de las Radios Asociativas no Comerciales del Languedoc-Roussillon (FRANC-LR), France: “Digitalisation, indexing and publication of the archives of the Community Radios in Languedoc-Roussillon”
Jose M. Casanova, Community Radio of A Coruña, Spain:
“How to setup your internet streaming to record and archive your audio streams.”
Round Table Discussion
“Open Community Radio Archives of the future”
Radio Programme
We provide a monthly radio show about community archiving on the Cultural Broadcasting Archive: http://cba.fro.at/series/captcha-documentations-series. During the conference we´ll provide a special programme with interviews and news from the conference via live stream:
Wednesday, 3rd June, 3.10 pm – 5 pm
Thursday, 4th June, 3.10 pm – 6 pm
Friday, 5th June, 3.10 pm – 4 pm